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  • Is the NDIS and SDA here to stay?
    Yes, states, territories and the Federal Government would all need to agree to stop it, with the Federal Government being the funder this appears near impossible. SDA funding under the NDIS is a legislated commitment of Australia’s Commonwealth, State and Territory governments, set out in the NDIS SDA Rules (2016) under the NDIS Act (2013). This legislation provides the foundation for government’s long-term (2016) under the NDIS Act (2013).
  • How is the investor paid?
    The SDA payment is paid in two components: • The SDA subsidy makes up most of the payment and is paid directly from the NDIA (the federal government) to the investor. These payments will continue for a period of up to 20 years. • The Reasonable Rent Contribution (RRC) is the smaller component paid directly from the tenant and collected by the SDA Provider Group on behalf of the investor.
  • How does the investor receive income from the SDA property?
    • Smaller Portion of the income is paid by the participant fortnightly to SDA Provider Group as the SDA property manager. • Largest Portion of the income is paid directly to the Investor by the NDIA.
  • How does an Investor become an SDA provider?
    SDA Provider prepares the application and compliance for each investor – guiding them through the whole process for 20 years.
  • How long will the scheme be covered?
    For the construction of new SDA property, payments will continue for a period of up to 20 years as long as the SDA property continues to meet the NDIA’s compliance and maintenance requirements. After 20 years, the SDA property will revert to receiving “established stock” payments.
  • What is On-Site Overnight Assistance?
    The On-site Overnight Assistance (OOA) space is used by support staff who provide support services overnight to participants living in the same dwelling that contains the OOA space or in a near-by dwelling. The investor will only be paid the OOA amount should their property have the additional space.
  • What is an Additional Breakout Room?
    Only dwellings that are in the Robust Design Category can have an additional breakout room. A breakout room is a separate room designed to respond to the individual disability related needs of the participant. It is not a study or living/dining area but is intended to be dedicated and used to enhance learning, exploration or positively impact mood. These rooms would, therefore, be expected to make use of activities, equipment, sound, and lighting in ways that are appropriate to the current resident(s).
  • What happens if a participant chooses to move or the property is vacant?
    There are circumstances in which SDA payments may continue for a period of time after a participant no longer physically resides at an enrolled SDA dwelling. A payment for SDA may be made from a participant’s plan even though the participant no longer physically resides at an enrolled SDA dwelling when: • The SDA dwelling for the participant is enrolled to house two to five residents: and • The participant either: ○ Passes away; or ○ Gives notice that he or she will vacate the dwelling; or ○ Is given a notice to vacate because of behaviour that might represent a risk to other residents, to staff or to the participant; or ○ Vacates the dwelling without giving notice or having been given a notice to vacate; and • The vacancy is available for a participant and the Agency has been notified. In these circumstances, the participant will be taken to reside in the dwelling until the vacancy is filled, or the earlier of the following: • For a dwelling that is enrolled to house four or five residents - 90 days after the day of the event mentioned in paragraph (ii) above; or For a dwelling that is enrolled to house two or three residents - 60 days after the day of the event mentioned in paragraph (ii) above.
  • What is the purpose of the furniture package?
    When Participants and their families are struggling day to day and finally find a suitable home, sometimes it is difficult for them to fund, find and install furniture. Providing a furniture pack can make the transition to the participants new home a smoother and more exciting experience if required.
  • What is the exit strategy for the investor?
    Should the investor need to sell the property, the home can remain a SDA property and a new investor is found, or the property, given its design and features, will cross pollinate to the owner occupier or rental market. Large living spaces and bedrooms, high ceilings, ducted air conditioning, automated home features and more. The most the investor will need to do is remove ceiling hoists and handrails if they get installed.


Please contact us if you have other Questions

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